Operation Catsnip
Operation Catsnip is a charitable organization run by Blue Mountain Veterinary Services in agreement with the Town of Blue Mountains. It was started in 2012, to provide a comprehensive plan to tackle our community’s exploding feral cat population and reduce the spread of diseases to all cats in the community.
Why is this program so important?
Operation Catsnip addresses the feral population in our community and helps ensure generational breeding is reduced or eliminated.
- An unspayed female cat is capable of producing 420,000 kittens, exponentially, in her lifetime – which usually averages seven years. By neutering/spaying feral cats, this program helps control the stray population in our community.
- All Catsnip cats taken into Blue Mountain Veterinary Services are given a rabies vaccine before being released, which will reduce the possibility of rabies being spread throughout feral communities or to our domestic pets.
- It also helps reduce the risk and spread of disease. Feral cats can spread disease such as Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus; the feline equivalent of human aids virus.
- Feral cats survive by eating songbirds and reptiles, as well as small mammals. Reducing the population helps our native species thrive.
- Our feral cat’s ancestors were desert animals. Thus, they are poorly adapted to withstand our harsh winter conditions. This program helps to reduce the suffering incurred.
- Community cat programs help with all these factors, but ultimately reduction in feral cat population by spaying/neutering is the best solution.

How it Works
Operation Catsnip is a humane trap, test, sterilize, vaccinate, and release program.
- Operation Catsnip appointees will trap cats from known feral colonies or where feral cats are known to be. This is based on reports and concerns from local residents, who have proven extremely helpful.
- Those cats will be taken to Blue Mountain Veterinary Services to be tested for the health risks noted above, will be spayed or neutered, vaccinated against rabies, before being released back to where they were trapped.
- This program does NOT rehome feral cats – they are returned from where they were trapped.
Support Operation Catsnip
If you would like to make a donation to support this important cause, please make your donations payable to the Town of Blue Mountains with Operation Catsnip indicated in the re: line. Donations are accepted at the Blue Mountain Veterinary Clinic OR The Town of Blue Mountains – Municipal Office. All donations of $25 or more are eligible for a tax receipt.
For more information please contact Blue Mountain Veterinary Services.